Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Life is Mine

I love to live my life with so many friends. These are my beloved close friends in Junior High, Nana, Dara, Oon, Mas Shelby, Mas Sam, Fahmi, Ila, Ana, Afif, and Odim. Those people are really meant to me. Sometimes, I think it is enough for me to only have them and my family in my life, without anyone else.
They make me happy, their laugh, their jokes, their voices and also their anger. Make me miss them every time. My life is a puzzle, and they are some pieces of it. So, if I loss them, mean that my life won’t be complete. But, they always remind me that life isn’t only about them, not also about me and another person also.
I just realize that I’m too dependent on them, when I need to separated with them. I got my self really hard to survive. I can’t find anyone else to be my close friend at first because I’m looking for someone who is really same with them although I know, it is almost impossible to find. All I do was wrong, make my self too dependent to them isn’t good. I need to respect their life as my best friend, but if I do that, means that I’m not respecting my own life.
Too dependent to other isn’t good, because your life is your life, not theirs. Don’t use them as the center of your life, because they are not stable. Friendship can be change, time by time your friend will find someone or something else which is more important than you. If you are too dependent on them, and if it happens, your life will be broken. 

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